You should never ever block your developers from IRC, if you do, you don't understand development well enough
[19:38] <memomemo> I'd like to know the proper way to call meteor.apply [19:39] <memomemo> my project is completely public [19:39] <memomemo> [19:39] == someone [~] has left #meteor [] [19:39] <a person> it's the same as except the arguments are given as an array [19:39] <memomemo> well in my project [19:40] <memomemo> I am trying to hit the sunlight api in two subsequent calls from the meteor server in a meteor method [19:40] <memomemo> the second call is dependent on the first [19:40] <a person> ok [19:40] <memomemo> this is an [19:40] <a person> you want fibers probably [19:40] <a person>> memomemo: [19:41] <memomemo> ok, but are you aware I am looking to run them one following the other? I need data from the first call? [19:41] <a person> did you look at that url [19:41] <a person> it explains how to do that [19:42] <memomemo> awesome thanks so much
Unfortunately this doesn't help, even though it is good info. Turns out futures was basically cut, but perhaps this is a good point to review fibers in eventedmind